Working for a couple logos for a friend at Swift Creek Baptist in Virginia.
After some initial sketches, I started to work on a logo for "Elevate" - the Student Ministry's Wednesday night discipleship ministry. Being that it is a program designed to take students deeper in their faith, I wanted to create something that came across as somewhat mature. And, of course, I always like for things to be fresh, crisp, and simple.
Here are four concepts I have come up with:
1) I really like the background on this one. "ATE" is elevated (...metaphoric...).
2) Captures the essence of the word pretty well in my opinion (notice the elevation of "ATE" and the shadow that makes the word appear to be elevating).
3) Probably my favorite. This one came out so crisp! Started with white background, but that navy really makes it pop!
4) This one doesn't really fit what I was going for ( much for maturity). But I kept playing and ended with this. I like it, just not for this project (file under: "Ideas for vintage children's books"). So quirky.