Mar 31, 2011

Refuge Logo Concepts

Some logo concepts for The Refuge for Parkside Baptist Church, Denison, TX.

Mar 28, 2011

FitMembers Poster

Here's a poster I created for FitMembers, an online fitness and calorie tracker. These will be going up in health clubs throughout the Memphis-area very soon to promote the website:

Mar 24, 2011

Identity Promotion Package

It's finished! The Promotion Package for Swift Creek's D-Now: Identity is complete. Check out the whole kit-n-kaboodle below:

1. T-shirt // 2. Graphics // 3. Conference Booklet // 4. Promotional Poster // 5. Brochure // 6. Logo

You'll notice the Promotional Poster above (#4) has some sneaky ninjas. Can you count just how many ninjas are hiding? Winner gets a prize!*
*Not true.

Mar 21, 2011

Monday Encouragement

A custom-designed beginning-of-the-week reminder to make the most out of every day. Print it, frame it, make it your desktop wallpaper, whatever...

Mar 18, 2011

Swift Creek // Easter Invite Card

Earlier, I showed you concepts of an Easter Sunday invitation card for Swift Creek. Here is an update with the final version:

Mar 15, 2011 // Logo Concepts

Here are some recent logo concepts for an upcoming website,

Mar 14, 2011

Swift Creek // Easter Invite Card Concepts

Here's a quick look at some concepts for a card inviting people to the Easter services at Swift Creek Baptist Church.

Mar 5, 2011

Wallpaper of the Month // March

So, here's what happened...After I posted the March Wallpaper of the Month, I had two really great ideas for other wallpapers. I figured, why not create and share? So here are March's extra-special bonus wallpapers...

Mar 3, 2011

Identity Graphics

Today, we look at the next phase in Swift Creek's Promotional Package for their D-Now. This phase features promotional graphics for projector screens, website, etc. Also included are themed graphic templates for PowerPoint or similar programs that can be updated with custom content. Take a look:

Mar 1, 2011

Wallpaper of the Month // March

An original, hand-drawn lettering wallpaper to kick off your March.

May your March experience be one of jigging lucky leprechauns and a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow (take that for what it's worth).