Nov 20, 2011

Here's a look at a piece I designed for a local mural contest. Taking inspiration from retro postcard designs, my good friend Ben and I ventured into the city to photograph iconic landmarks from our home. I then stayed up far too late creating the finished design.

Nov 13, 2011

2012 At-a-glance Calendar

Client// Swift Creek Student Ministry

Project// At-a-glance Calendar for 2012

Vision// fun, organized, quick reference, summarized, colorful, eclectic, descriptive

Method// hierarchical organization based on color, size, and shapes; bright, diverse color scheme; use of icons and logos; color-coding; bullet points

Nov 11, 2011

Christmas Open House Invitations

Just finished up these invitations for my sister's Mary Kay Christmas Open House. (Ladies, check her out here.) The idea was to create a warm, nostalgic, and festive feel for the party with the invites.