Mar 28, 2010

Childhood Baseball Leagues (Part 1)

You've heard me say before that, as a child, the first outlets I managed to find for my creativity where sports-related. I loved sports, and I loved to create. One of my favorite projects that I embarked on (spurred by the boredom of long hours in the car on vacation) was the creation of two separate fictional baseball leagues. Going through some nostalgic old notebooks, I stumbled upon my interesting (and excruciatingly-detailed) creations.

The first league I created (with crayon firmly in-hand) was the ABL (Atlantic Baseball League), an eight-team, international baseball league featuring national teams from countries that border the Atlantic Ocean.

Here are some of my favorite teams (complete with logo, mascot, stadium, and other various details).

I'll save the second (and even more elaborate) league that I created for another post.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome! As always, you were very detailed. I don't remember ever seeing this particular league. (Ask me some time when you're home and I'll give you some of your old work that I kept.)

Anonymous said...

how you did not figure out sooner that you were destined for design is beyond me!