Feb 15, 2010

Things That I Love (#1)

You may be one of the millions that find themselves lying awake at night asking the question: "What does Drew Flippin enjoy?" This question is often followed by the subsequent: "Why doesn't Drew make an original design piece for the things he enjoys?"

If you've ever asked one or both (or neither) of those questions, then today's post is for you.

I love Izze - the carbonated fruit drink that comes in a can, but tastes best out of the glass bottle. Izze comes in a variety of flavors, but due to availability in our area, I've only tried seven (my favorite being Sparkling Pomegranate, followed closely by Sparkling Clementine). If you haven't already, try a refreshing Izze today (available at Starbuck's, Whole Foods (best variety), and Kroger...but only in the "organic" section!).


anna said...

Finally some answers!!! Now I can sleep at night :) I love this!

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